In the final episode of Season 3, Laurel and Sarah discuss certifications for movement professionals. Are they necessary? Are they useful? Do they help promote you, or just the brand? Should you be focusing on it so much?
You will learn:
- Do certifications in the movement industry function to a means to ensure quality control and accountability the way that the equivalent does in a regulated industry
- Do the tests measure meaningful and important qualities of a movement teacher or do they measure what is easy to measure
- What are some drawbacks to certifications
- What are some positive aspects of certifications
- The differences between regulated and unregulated industries
- Does promoting a course as ‘safe’ require any proof in an unregulated industry?
- Can a certification course really claim to be a safer form of movement than any other?
- Why are many teachers looking for certification in their continuing education classes?
- The value of longer form, apprentice/student to teacher/mentor relationship versus a weekend training
- That Yoga Alliance is not the evil overlord that so many seem to think it is
- Does having letters after your name make you more credible or trustworthy?
Episode 48: Alignment Dogma – Pelvis
Episode 54: Alignment Dogma – Spine
Episode 58: Alignment Dogma – Shoulders
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