In this episode, Laurel explores whether strength training alone suffices for health and longevity. She compares training stress, intensity, and adaptations of strength training versus high intensity interval training (HIIT) versus cardiorespiratory endurance training. Discover how both HIIT and cardio are forms of conditioning, and why both strength and conditioning are necessary “weekly human maintenance habits” for preventing chronic disease and promoting longevity.
You will also learn:
- What counts as exercise?
- Does HIIT promote strength or cardiorespiratory endurance or both?
- What is aerobic versus anaerobic conditioning?
- What role does cardiorespiratory fitness play in our strength gains and what role does strength play in our cardiorespiratory fitness gains?
- How strength training, HIIT, and cardio compare when considering the following: typical length of a session, work to rest ratios, relative intensities, common limitations to performance, and the specific adaptations each promotes.
- Is strength enough for health and longevity?
- Is walking conditioning?
- Can the fatigue cost of HIIT interfere with our ability to exercise enough throughout the week?
- What should we pay attention to specifically if we want to build strength with HIIT?
- What’s the best way to structure weekly strength and conditioning workouts, specifically when we want to do both on the same day?
Reference links:
Episode 6: How Much ‘Should” You Exercise
High-intensity interval training for health benefits…
Episode 37: Plyometrics—Get More Bang For Your Bones
Episode 46: How Often Should You Strength Trainlll?
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